In an attempt to tug at the old heart strings of the terminally naive and gullible, yesterdays Daily Mail published a timely photo-shoot of the mother who chose to leave her children unprotected on a regular basis, looking frail and fragile. It is the latest in the series of nineteen nervous breakdowns scheduled to be rolled out whenever things don't go the way of the McCanns.
Let's compare Kate to Madeleine.
"Her rare smiles now almost solely reserved for her twins Sean and Amelie"
Rare smiles? Madeleine must have taken after Kate. In far too many photographs, Madeleine is pictured unsmiling or downright sad. What a great normal family life the twins must be enjoying when their mother can't even smile at Madeleine's father.
"she seems to have aged five years"
Thanks to Kate and Gerry, Madeleine never had the chance to be aged five.
"Kate appears to have grown more fragile by the day."
Madeleine was fragile from the day she was born - her "mother" has said so herself. Yet Hot Lips Healy, still decided a night at the Tapas Bar with friends with questionable pasts, was more important than the welfare of a fragile little girl who smiled far too infrequently for someone who should have been enjoying some of the best years of her life.
I realise that the McCanns demand unconditional sympathy - even to the extent of being willing to pay for it one way or another. However, they would be better off demanding it from those who believe without question, the sales pitch of the Establishment mushroom farmers, who thrive and succeed by keeping their subjects in the dark and feeding them you-know-what. Thankfully, for the sake of Madeleine, there are plenty of us who live in the real world and don't fall into that category.
Yes I do care. I care about a little girl - not those who had every opportunity to make sure that Madeleine was able to grow up safely, protected from danger - and spared from having her sad eyes seen all over the world.
Kate may have lost weight - but thanks to her, a little girl's photo has been splashed all around the world in bars, garages and quite likely on the PCs of those who should never be allowed to see any child. I know who has lost the most.
Don't worry about the suntan Kate, in Australia we try to avoid suntans due to skin cancer. Maybe you should ask a doctor about the risks. Unless of course the tan, like so many things about you and Gerry, is fake.