The Kangaroo in the middle is "Luvverly" and was given to me by Mel. "Luvverly" came complete with a Birth Certificate - and today is her second birthday! It's amazing - I can not recall human birthdays, (can I Jenny!) yet I remember Luvverly's. By heck she's seen me through some interesting times over the last two years - and I haven't once lost her. I like to look after things I cherish.
The little dog on the left was given to me today, (must be something about Oct 11!) by an elderly lady in my apartment building. A few years ago she had a problem with the then building management, a nasty little bully who tried to scare her out of having repairs done to her apartment.
Soon he had several government departments and the fraud squad investigating his insurance, awarding of contracts, managing of funds and occupational health and safety issues. He ended up with a stroke and went out of business. Oh dear, how sad, what a shame.
Ever since then she has had a bit of a soft spot for me - especially now that she has a little doggie that I have taken a liken to. So today she presented me with one that is a bit easier to maintain!
First of all I was going to call him 'Enery, after Henry Cooper - but this dog spends more time on his feet than Henry, so that was no good. My next idea was Muhammad, after Ali - but then I realised if I did that I would have a certain Sydney talk-back radio host after me. In the end I chose (drum roll please).....
Don't you think he looks like a Sid? Of course if anyone comes after me, I can summon him to my rescue by yelling out - "Give 'Em 'Ell Sid!"
So from a Sensitive New Age Old Git...
... wherever you may be - be safe