Saturday, February 01, 2014

Bilateral Relations: Iran, Spain underline enhancement of bilateral ties

Source: IRNA

Madrid, Feb 1, IRNA – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Danesh Yazdi and his Spanish counterpart Gonzalo De Benito in a meeting here on Friday underlined the need for the further expansion of bilateral ties.

During the meeting, the Iranian deputy foreign minister explained about different aspects of President Hassan Rouhanis foreign policy, and said that the senior Iranian officials are determined to consolidate relations with other countries, including Spain.

Danesh Yazdi pointed to the history of Iran-Spain relations, and said, The best should be made of the points of strength of the two countries for further reinvigorating the bilateral interactions.

The Spanish deputy foreign minister, for his part, voiced his gratitude over the recent Geneva deal, and said, Spain is trying to work for consolidation of Iran-EU relations in addition to taking practical steps for deepening relations with Iran.