Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Turkey: Government of Turkey - As of today, there are 193.767 Syrian Citizens at our Accommodation Centres

Source: Government of Turkey

As of today, there are 193.767 Syrian citizens staying at the 14 Tent Cities, 1 Temporary Admission Centre and 3 Container Cities established by Prime Ministry AFAD for those coming from Syria.

AFAD has erected a total of 14 tent-cities, with 5 in Hatay, 2 in Şanlıurfa, 3 in Gaziantep, and 1 each in Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye, Adıyaman and Adana along with 3 container-cities with 1each in Kilis, Şanlıurfa and Gaziantep.

Due to the population movements caused by the internal conflicts that started in the April of 2011 in Syria, more than 300 thousands Syrian citizens have been living in the camps that have been erected by Prime Ministry AFAD in 8 provinces, where all their humanitarian needs are being met.

Under the coordination of AFAD, relevant agencies and organizations provide shelter, food, health, security, social activity, education, worship, translation & interpretation, communication, banking and other services at the tent-cities and container-city.

In the tent-cities and container-cities, all coordination is executed by Prime Ministry AFAD, which is empowered to act in cases of national and international disasters and emergencies.

These camps, erected by the appropriations sent by Prime Ministry AFAD, also contain schools, mosques, trade facilities, police and health centres, media briefing units, children's playgrounds, television halls, water tanks, treatment centres, transformers, generators and similar outfittings.

At the container-cities and tent-cities, Syrian citizens entering our country continue to be provided with 3 hot meals every day.

Within the scope of education services 29.637 Syrian students have studied in 437 classes. More than 7 thousands are performed in field hospitals and mobile health units in camps. Until now 3.239 babies were born in camps. Also more than 1 million ambulatory care services have provided so far today.

To date, a total of 303.395 Syrian citizens have entered Turkey.

To date, a total of 109.628 Syrian citizens have returned to their countries.

As of today, the number of Syrian citizens staying in Turkey are as follows: 15.072 in Hatay, 31.450 in Gaziantep (8.577 in İslahiye, 8.051 in Karkamış and 14.822 in the Nizip accomodation centres), 13.455 in Kilis, 90.690 in Şanlıurfa (45.194 in Ceylanpınar, 32.807 in Akçakale tent-cities and 12.689 in Harran Kökenli container-cities), 15.477 in Kahramanmaraş, 7.806 in Osmaniye, 10.248 in Adıyaman and 9.205 in Adana.

There are 258 sick and wounded with 106 attentdants, currently in hospitals.

With those in hospitals, there are overall 193.767 Syrian citizens at the accommodation centres.

Hereby respectfully announced to the public.

Press and Public Relations Consultancy