ARTICLE 19 welcomes the initiative
of the Government of South Sudan to create a legal framework for the
implementation of the right to access information. The Draft Bill
positively enshrines a number of progressive principles on the right of
access to information. This includes the duty to disclose information
stemming not from public ownership but from its public functions, the
right to seek information from private bodies, a clear and simple
procedure for accessing information, a comprehensive proactive
disclosure regime, public accountability for information officers, the
protection of whistleblowers and the creation of criminal offences to
reinforce the right of access to information. With the adoption of the
Bill, South Sudan would also join ten countries in Africa that have
national freedom of Information laws, namely Angola, Ethiopia,
Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Nigeria, Niger, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda
and Zimbabwe
At the same time, the Draft Bill still contains several areas of
concern, which ARTICLE 19 strongly urges the government to amend before
enactment. In particular, ARTICLE 19 recommends the following changes:
- The Draft Bill and the principles of access to information it advances should take precedence above all other legislation.
- Everyone, not just citizens of South Sudan, should be entitled to access information under the Bill.
- Fees for provision of information should be limited to the reasonable reproduction costs of providing the information.
- The legitimate grounds for refusing disclosure of information
should only be invoked where disclosure of the information poses an
actual risk of substantial harm to that interest, subject to the public
interest override.
- The right of all individuals to access information held by public
and private bodies about themselves, and the right to correct that
information, should be included in the Draft Bill.
- Public bodies should be required to proactively disclose
contracts they have entered into above a specified sum, and their budget
and expenditure plans.
- A standardised procedure for a first stage of review internal to the public body should be specified in the Draft Bill.
- The nominations and selection of the Information Commissioner
should be made by a cross-party Parliamentary committee, and should not
involve the President or the Ministry. Civil society and other
representatives of the general public should be given the power and
opportunity to nominate individuals to the post of Information
- Removal of the Information Commissioner from office should only
be premised on serious violations of the constitution, gross misconduct,
physical or mental incapacity to perform the functions of office,
incompetence or bankruptcy. The Assembly must initiate and oversee any
removal process.
Read the full analysis
South_Sudan_ATI_Bill.pdf (520 KB)