Friday, July 20, 2012

Security: Judge Webster delivers Webster Commission report on Fort Hood

Source: FBI

Judge William H. Webster has delivered to the FBI the Final Report of the William H. Webster Commission on The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counterterrorism Intelligence, and the Events at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009. We have posted an unclassified version of the report on our website, along with our response to the commission’s recommendations.

The FBI requested a full investigation of the manner in which the Bureau and its Joint Terrorism Task Forces handled and acted on counterterrorism intelligence before and after the Fort Hood shootings, as well as a review and assessment of the FBI’s governing authorities and remedial measures after the Fort Hood shootings. 

We concur with the principles underlying the commission’s recommendations and, in most cases, have already taken action to implement the recommendations based on our own internal review of the Fort Hood shootings and that of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Press release and response to recommendations | Final report (pdf) | Webster transmission letter (pdf)