Thursday, December 01, 2011

Bahrain: Bahrain's Ambassador to the United States Welcomes the Findings of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry

SOURCE Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Bahrain's Ambassador to the United States, Houda Nonoo, welcomed the official report and findings of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI). The BICI, chaired by Dr. Cherif Bassiouni, is a fact finding group tasked with establishing the truth regarding events that transpired during Bahrain's unrest earlier this year. The BICI released its official report on November 23. The commission's findings were publicly read in front of Bahrain's royal leadership, cabinet ministers, members of parliament, human rights groups, journalists and others. Ambassador Nonoo stated:

"Bahrain's government is committed to reform, and to implementing progressive policies that will help achieve reconciliation for all Bahrainis. We are committed to that path because the future of Bahrain and its people relies on a meaningful unification strategy.

"The decision made by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to uncover the hard truths about what happened during the unrest was commended by world leaders as an unprecedented and courageous step. This is the first time an independent commission of internationally recognized human rights experts has ever been formed by an Arab nation to voluntarily investigate unrest in its own country.

"The truth of the events that transpired in our country was not easy to hear. But these truths are now Bahrain's reality, and the government has accepted these truths as the foundation from which our reform process will move ahead. His Majesty King Hamad established a National Commission to implement recommendations of the BICI report. The 20-member Commission represents a broad cross-section of Bahraini society and will conclude its work by the end of February 2012.

"Bahrain's comprehensive National Dialogue which ended in July produced 291 recommendations that further strengthen all aspects of our government and society. The process of implementing these recommendations has already begun. National Dialogue attendees also recommended that Bahrain adhere and commit to upholding international human rights standards and the government is working vigorously to achieve that goal.

"Our strong relationship with the U.S. is now more than a century old. We are home to the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, and we are proud that American servicemen and women work from the shores of Bahrain to maintain peace and security in the region. True friends are honest with one another during challenging times. Bahrain's partnership with the United States on all levels is crucial, now and in the future."