The European Union has followed with great concern the case of Mr. Troy Davis, a U.S. citizen sentenced to death in the State of Georgia. It has now been announced that date of Wednesday September 21, 2011 has been set for his execution.
Serious and compelling doubts have persistently surrounded the evidence on which Mr. Davis was convicted, and these were recognized by the appeal judges. The European Union therefore calls for his execution to be urgently commuted.
While we are aware of the suffering of the victims of violent crime and their families, we recall that with capital punishment, any miscarriage of justice, from which no legal system is immune, represents an irreversible loss of human life. As a result, the European Union reaffirms its principled and longstanding opposition to the use of capital punishment under all circumstances.
For more information, see: http://www.eurunion.org/eu/Hot-Topics/Death-Penalty.html.