Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Iran: Iran calls for cooperation between Iran, Oman, Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan

Tehran, Nov 10, IRNA – Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki called for more cooperation between Iran, Oman, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

According to the report of Foreign Ministry Media Department on Tuesday evening, Mottaki in the first session of the quadlateral meeting of foreign and transportation ministers of the four countries said that these four nations are located in a vital part of the world where huge gas and oil reserves exist which give them an effective role in the world security.

Referring to Iran’s location in connecting route of Asia to Europe and Central Asia and Caucasus, Mottaki pointed out that Iran is in the center of world energy.

In this concern, Iran has tried to invest in infrastructure field of energy transfer and pipelines of north-south, development of railroad and road networks.

Mottaki proposed establishment of a working committee to consider details of cooperation in the fields of customs, transportation (road, railroad, naval), joint investment of the countries in the field of transit, which was welcomed by the participants in the meeting.

Oman Foreign Minister Yousef Bin Alawi, by appreciating Iran’s president and foreign minister's support for the plan and holding the meeting, expressed his country's full readiness for cooperation and implementation of all agreements of the meeting.

Turkmenistan Foreign Minister Rashid Mardov called the meeting important for expansion of regional cooperation and proposed establishment of a commission of experts from the four countries to prepare related comprehensive draft document.

Uzbekistan Deputy Prime Minister, for his part, called proposed plans in the meeting very important and strategic for future of the member countries and called the transit route to the free waters through Iran “Vital”.

The first quadlateral meeting of foreign and transportation ministers of Iran, Oman, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan kicked off its work on Tuesday in Tehran.

The participating ministers underlined regional cooperation development and promotion of economic cooperation between the four countries.