Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Pakistan: The 8 year old who still waits for his parents killed in a bomb blast

Source: Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD)
Date: 06 Jan 2010

Eight year old Abbas still waits for his parents, who died in Meena Bazaar bomb blast in Peshawar-Pakistan.

On 28th October, 2009, his parents went to Meena Bazaar (a crowded market in Peshawar). Unfortunately, a bomb blast has swallowed both of them. On that day, instead of his parents, only their Identity cards had returned.

"As we received only their ID cards, Abbas' innocent mind doesn't accept this reality that his parents are gone forever. He believes, perhaps they would return", describes Abbas' uncle.

Abbas has five younger brothers and sisters including six months old Fawad. Since the death of parents, their home is locked. They are living with their uncle, a 22 years old youngman, who is already unemployed. For the time being, they hardly get anything to eat.

"I had tears in my eyes, as I found them in such harsh situation at this sensitive age. It is quite painful and indescribable," said Azmat Akbar, Program Officer of HHRD, who visited the children at their uncle's home.

For many children like Abbas, losing parents means, going hungry for days and no education, health care and emotional support.

All of this — parents gone, home and schooling gone —eats away one's future.

"Getting food, attending school, getting health care is a distant dream that you can bring closer for them: They are looking towards you to step up & with the Blessings of God change their lives for the better."

In an effort to support these innocent people from various places of Pakistan, HHRD-USA has initiated a dedicated campaign to raise funds for this purpose. See

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