Monday, August 03, 2009

Iran Elections: Mousavi and Khatami accused of being behind unrest

PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and reformist former President Mohammad Khatami on Sunday blasted the trials of people arrested in post-election demonstrations, CNN reported.

Those on trial had been tortured into confessions, Mousavi said in a statement posted on his Ghalam News Web site. "They have been stepped on so severely that they would have confessed to anything else, had they been instructed to do so," Mousavi said.

Nearly 100 Iranians arrested in the aftermath of the disputed June 12 presidential elections went on trial Saturday. In addition, another 10 people went on trial Sunday.

Meanwhile, Hojatoleslam Mohammad Taghi Rahbar, a member of parliament's Judicial Commission, on Sunday accused Mousavi and Khatami of being the main leaders of the recent disturbances.

"A complaint ... regarding the extremist and destructive behavior of Mousavi has been handed to the judiciary and we hope that the judiciary would take up this case quickly," he said.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits