Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Human Trafficking: Police in east China's Jiangxi Province bust human trafficking gang

The Shanghai Daily reports police in east China's Jiangxi Province have broken a nationwide human trafficking gang, which had trafficked more than 10 women, including six from Burma. Police have nabbed five gang members, today's Legal Daily reported.

The investigation started after officers in Jiangxi's Pingxiang City were alerted early in May that three Burmese women had been sold in Changping Town of the city's Shangli County five years before.

Police visited the county and confirmed the trafficking report and discovered the three women's identities. Villagers said they bought the women for 15,000 yuan (US$ 2,194.88) each from a broker nicknamed "Luoyazai."

After investigation, police identified "Luoyazai" as a man surnamed Peng and caught him in Pukou Town of Hunan Province's Liying City.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits