Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tourism: Mexico City offers tourists free health insurance to combat tourism slump

Radio Netherlands reports Mexico City has come up with a new incentive for tourists. Anyone who visits the country’s capital before the end of the year will be automatically granted free health insurance. The only condition is that the visitors stay in one of the city’s 460 hotels taking part in the action.

The health insurance covers the costs of medicines, hospital care and transport home. Tourists will also be able to claim legal help if, for example, they are robbed.

Mexico City, like the rest of the country, has been hard hit by the outbreak of Mexican flu in April. The H1N1 virus has now claimed 138 lives and infected almost 15,000 people. Tourist visits have fallen sharply.

Mexican authorities stress, however, that the outbreak is now under control.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits