Sunday, July 05, 2009

Israel: Israel seeks to control Holy Basin area of Jerusalem

KUNA reports Palestinian legal sources unveiled a series of Israel decisions and laws on the so-called Holy Basin aimed at controlling the area around the old town of Jerusalem and the southeastern part of it. Daily Al-Quds newspaper reported on Sunday, that this plan is scheduled to be completed over the next four years, in addition to establishing a network of parks and roads surrounding the old town, and a radical change in its current status to benefiy the settlement societies and the Israeli government.

The legal sources added, "At times that Palestinians celebrate Jerusalem as capital of Arab Culture 2009, Israel launched the project to Judaize the Holy Basin with foreign financial support, of more than USD one billion over the next four years.

One of the strict laws against Palestinians, is that all Palestinians wishing to build in that area, which stretches from Mount Mukkabbir to the south grove of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood north and east Sawwanah, needs the approval of the Israeli ministerial committee, comprising the Prime Minister in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Jerusalem, in addition to that the municipality.

The sources pointed out that since the early 1980s, the Municipality of Jerusalem and the Israeli Ministry of Housing launched the implementation of a new project to control Palestinian neighborhoods around the city walls. The so-called Holy Basin area allegedly embraces "the city of King David", the most sacred areas of the Jews.

The sources asserted that the Israeli decision to destroy Palestinian homes, under the pretext of illegal construction is part of such plan.

Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits