Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Iran: Iranian delegates storm out of speech by Israeli president

AKI reports Iranian delegates stormed out of a speech by Israeli president Shimon Peres at an interfaith meeting in Kazakhstan on Wednesday. "[Peres] plunders land and occupies, and we are not willing to hear him," said an Iranian delegate, quoted by Israeli media.

Another delegate said Peres - a Nobel Laureate - was a Zionist "whose place was not here in a religious meeting".

The delegates returned to the meeting only after Peres had finished his speech.

"Peres is not a religious leader; he is a man of violence," said another Iranian delegate.

According to Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Peres began his speech by indirectly attacking Iran, Al-Qaeda and the Lebanese political and militant movement Hezbollah.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
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