Saturday, July 18, 2009

Aviation: Human error, sandstorm or terrorist attack could have caused crash of TU-154 aircraft

PanARMENIAN.Net/ A mistake of the crew, sandstorm or even a terrorist attack could have caused the crash of TU-154 aircraft, Dmitry Atbashyan, President of the National Aeronautical Association (NAA) of Armenia, told a press conference in Yerevan.

"All three engine of TU-154 aircrafts are located in the tail of the aircraft, where the governance devices are placed. Even if two out of the three engines of the liner are out of order, the technical design of TU-154 enables it continue the flight, " NAA president said.

According to him, the cause of the disaster of the Iranian plane TU-154 could be similar to the crash in Krasnoyarsk in the 1980's.

According to Dmitry Atbashyan, TU-154 meets all the safety regulations of Airbus model of aircrafts. "According to technical requirements of TU-154, the life of these aircraft is 30 years, the total time of flight - 25 thousand hours," he said.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits