Thursday, June 25, 2009

Corruption: Romanian ministers face probes

FOCUS Information Agency - A day after an inquiry committee was set up to probe into Romanian Minister of Youth and Sports from the pro-President Democratic Liberal Party Monica Iacob Ridzi, the parliament drew a bead on a member of the social democrats – Minister of Environment Nicolae Nemirschi, Romanian Evenimentul Zilei writes.

The MPs have decided with 186 votes in favor and just one vote against that a similar committee will be established to probe whether a contract worth almost EUR 500,000 has been assigned in conformity with the law to an advertising firm through direct contracting and without a public announcement in advance.

15 MPs from all parties are on the inquiry committee. Some of them are the former environment ministers Sulfina Barbu (Democratic Liberal Party) and Attila Korodi (Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania).

The MPs opened the investigation after Gardianul daily revealed two days ago that on April 28th Nemirschi’s ministry assigned a contract worth RON 2,040,990 to Ars Advertising without a tender. The funds, 75% of which come from the EU, were spent on buying slots in the media to advertise priority axis 3 of OP Environment.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits