Friday, March 13, 2009

Gas: Serbia steps forward to present its version for South Stream’s route

South Stream pipe line has to start from Novoruskiisk in Russia to go under Black Sea and to reach Bulgaria from where it will got to Greece and Serbia, Politika informs. The edition informs it has been speculating the pipe line will be pointed at Romania, Ukraine, and Slovenia and will “scratch Serbia a little”.

Final route of the South Stream pipe line will not be announced before September this year. Until then, as Gazprom pointed, preliminary checks, which will show how worthy is the project will be over. All of the things are speculations, edition informs.

In reference to the fact the matter in point is about European project and that Serbia is one of the transit countries, from where South Stream will pass, and clear Russian position,pipe line will have aim if it reaches richest and biggest consumers in Europe, it is logical this to be Gazprom’s main reference point.

Serbia has the right to hope South Stream to pass through its territory. It had signed international contract to sell petrol company NIS when pipe line is constructed.

Another subject is how mush Serbia spends for gas per year and whether it is valuable for Gazprom pipe line to pass through Serbia for 2.2 billion cubic per year.

The most important thing is Serbia is a transit country. At least 10 billion cubic of gas pass through the country to Europe. One of them will pass through Republika Srbska and will supply gas in whole Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: FOCUS Information Agency
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits