Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nuclear Issues: India’s Defence Minister say Pakistan's nukes not a deterrent

India’s Defence Minister A K Antony dismissed suggestions that Pakistan's nuclear capabilities may be a factor in any hesitation by India to carry out a surgical strike against terror camps and said its restraint should not be construed as a weakness.

Antony made the remarks while talking to reporters in Bangalore on Wednesday on the sidelines of the Aero India show, Doordarshan news website reported.

Blaming "responsible elements in Pakistan" for the November 26 Mumbai terror strikes, he said the attacks were inspired and sponsored by these sections in the western neighbour.

Stating that the security situation in the region would not change in the near future, the minister said "I do not think there is going to be a big improvement in our vicinity."
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
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