Saturday, January 31, 2009

Iraq: Monument to shoe thrower removed day after it was erected

The giant monument of a shoe in honour of the journalist who threw his footwear at former U.S. President George W. Bush was removed one day after it was erected, media reported Saturday.

The huge bronze-collared fibreglass sculpture was erected at an orphanage complex in the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit on Thursday.

The head of the Childhood organization, which the orphanage belongs to, said that the Provincial Joint Coordination Center told her to take the structure down immediately.

"I did take the shoe down immediately and destroyed it; and I did not ask why," said Shahah Daham, the head of the charity organization.

"We will not allow anyone to use the government facilities and buildings for political motives," said Abdullah Jabara, Salaheddin deputy governor.

The monument was made by Iraqi sculptor Laith al- Amiri with the assistance of children at the orphanage.

I have no problem with the monument - but for heaven's sake don't use orphans to make political statements.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits