Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gaza: Israel deliberately blocked the United Nations from building up vital food supplies in Gaza before the launch of its war against Hamas

The Sydney Morning Herald has a report by Jason Koutsoukis in Jerusalem, citing a UN official claiming Israel deliberately kept aid out of Gaza.

"Israel deliberately blocked the United Nations from building up vital food supplies in Gaza that feed a million people daily before the launch of its war against Hamas, according to a senior UN official in Jerusalem.

In a scathing critique of Israeli actions leading up to the conflict, the UN's chief humanitarian co-ordinator in Israel, the former Australian diplomat Maxwell Gaylard, accused Israel of failing to honour its commitments to open its border with Gaza during several months of truce from June 19 last year.

"The Israelis would not let us facilitate a regular and sufficient flow of supplies into the Strip," Mr Gaylard said.

Full story
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits