Saturday, September 06, 2008

Burma: Leda death camp

Source: Kaladan Press Network Please visit and show your support and appreciation

Twenty nine unregistered Rohingya refugees died in the Leda camp due to lack of proper treatment in July and August 2008, according to Md. Ayub, a Majee (shed leader).

Most of the refugees died of pneumonia, malaria, fever, odema, asthma, and starvation. When the patients went to the clinic of the Islamic Relief (IR), they were given some paracetamoles, and some anti-biotic capsules. They could not afford treatment elsewhere.

tarvation was also the cause of the deaths because they did not get any support from any quarter. Besides, they cannot go out to work because they have to spend Taka 40 as bus fare to and from Teknaf whereas they earn only Taka 70 per day. They need Taka 30 for necessary expenditure.

A refugee said, "We used to get enough medical treatment from MSF (Holland) when we were in Dum Dum Meah camp. But we do not get proper treatment in Leda camp. So, deaths by diseases have increased in the camp.

Another refugee said, "When we were in Dum Dum Meah camp, Teknaf was at a walking distance from our camp, so it was easy for us to go there for jobs without incurring any expenditure. We had other facilities such as collecting fire wood, catching fish in the Naff River among other things. But, now, we are afraid to go to the forests to collect fire wood for fear of robbery by locals."

There were 11 women and 18 men among the dead.

Photo: A view of Lada camp in the rainy season
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Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting