Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The McCanns: What is your favourite or most hated McCannism?

For the last five months Kate and Gerry McCann, along with their seemingly ever-increasing merry band of fawning, agenda-pushing, what's-in-it-for-me sycophants, have made us laugh, cry or filled us with rage, with an almost daily dose of "McCannisms".

Who can forget some of the classic quotes from Gerry or the one and only, Aunty Phil? Let's not forget other members of the family such as that fine example of the British Education system, the headmaster who put the phrase, "thick as two short Uncle Brians" into the English language - a language Team McCann have so much difficulty in using as an effective PR tool to promote their income protection and damage control campaign.

The hired-help also played their part in making us shake our heads in disbelief. Just when you thought Justine suffered from foot-and-mouth disease, along comes the 'ludicrous' Clarence Mitchell, the former pin-up boy of a media organisation best known for its scams.

What is your favourite or most hated McCannism?

Let's keep this thread as a living testimony to the excuses, lies, misleading statements and downright incomprehensible utterings of a slick but totally incompetent team trying and failing to defend the indefensible.

Let's show these tacky little vegemites for what they are. Let the world (for if Pro McCanners believe only those interested in the McCanns read this blog, they are deluding themselves, which I realise is something that comes naturally to them) see for themselves the willingness to corrupt and hide the truth - the hallmark of a British establishment that has made Britain what it is today - and what it has been for some time.

If possible, I would like this post restricted to just "McCannisms" there are other threads where broader McCann related responses can be posted. Yes, I will delete comments that are not related to "the question" if necessary, but if I have time, I will paste such comments on to the appropriate thread.

After a few days, I will create a poll where you can vote for your favourite McCannism!