The previous McCann related post was getting rather unwieldy with the vast numbers of responses, so in accordance with established guidelines I have closed, "The McCanns: Brown paper packages tied up with strings attached" to comments. I don't have anything more to say on the issue today, I will only write when I have something to say - and not because I feel I am expected to!
However, I do want to keep this blog as a safe place where we can air our views on the issue of Madeleine McCann, and the grotesque canonisation of two people who neglected their daughter and have been named as official suspects in her death.
Please keep the comments coming - this is one of the few safe places where those of us who want truth and justice for Madeleine, can speak freely without the threats and intimidation that have occurred on other forums - coordinated harassment that has been ignored by the media who focus on the alleged vilification of two people who created their own destiny when they put their hedonistic needs above the safety of their children - and did so repeatedly.
Yes, perhaps what I say is repetitive - but so is "ludicrous" and "hurtful and unhelpful" words and phrases Team McCann use so often to discredit anything said about the British Establishment's Sacred Cows, they have become part of the English language.
Isn't it odd how anything said against the McCanns is ludicrous, but anything said in their defence is instantly credible and proof of their innocence - even if the information does come from biased and unreliable, often unnamed sources.
It is always about the McCanns - what they want and what they fear.
I know what I want - it is to protect the innocent - not the McCanns.