Just when you think those involved in protecting the image and reputations of two proven child neglectors, (who the dedicated and diligent Portuguese police have named as official suspects in the death of their daughter) can get no lower - "Operation Protect The McCanns" has become part of "Operation Christmas Child".
E Flux Media reports, "Well-wishers donated considerable sums of money to the fund, while others left thousands of toys and dolls in the McCann’s home village of Rothley. Now, the toys are going to be sent to two orphanages in Belarus as the McCann’s wished."
I realise that before they became famous for abandoning their legal and moral duty to their children, the McCanns had no interest or knowledge of child welfare issues, (despite their much lauded medical careers) and even now only view such issues as tools in a grotesque global self-protection campaign - but I did think that for once in their self-centred, hedonistic lives, they had put aside their life style of pubs, bars, reunions and assorted piss-ups, and actually done something worthwhile.
Gawd, I can be so naive at times.
"Each toy was individually tied with green and yellow ribbons - the symbol of hope in Portugal - and carrying a tag with a small picture of Madeleine."
Green and yellow ribbons may well be the symbol of hope in Portugal, but they have become synonymous with the "Find Madeleine Campaign" an income protection scheme largely promoted by using emotional blackmail, misleading representation and self-serving agendas of a host of tacky celebrity supporters with dubious backgrounds and motives.
This was a golden opportunity for the McCanns to do something without promoting themselves or their disreputable campaign. Oh no, these class-challenged opportunists could not even do that - yet again, it had to be all about the McCanns.
Do they actually know anything about Belarus or the orphanages in Belarus? These are not only the Children of Chernobyl, but children who have been abandoned by their parents. UNICEF and other organisations have identified alcohol as a major factor in child abandonment in Belarus - abandon the children and the more money the parents have to spend on booze.
Rather ironic isn't it, as the McCanns regularly practised the concept of abandon the children and the more time you have to spend on booze.
No doubt the children in Belarus will ask questions. What will they be told? Do these children who have suffered a life of hell, really need to be given toys with the photograph of a missing girl, who would not be missing if her parents had acted like responsible parents - or even like human beings?
I have no problem whatsoever with the toys being sent to the orphanages, but why on earth do they have to be sent with needless campaign material?
In a country slightly smaller than Kansas, many of the children in over 600 orphanages in Belarus, suffer from thyroid cancer or iodine deficiency. They need joy and happiness in their lives, not toys tinged with sadness.
Jane Simmonds, the regional manager for Samaritan’s Purse, said, "It is incredible knowing that this family was thinking of other children whilst they are in such turmoil themselves"
Simmonds, be a clever little vegemite and start living in the real world. The McCanns never even thought about their own children. The only reason they are thinking about others now is to protect the parts of their anatomies that for their own reasons, the British political and corporate world are so keen to publicly lick.
In Cardiff (Wales) a group of people make a yearly trip to Belarus to help with the children in the orphanages. A local school is trying to raise money for two separate projects - only a relatively small amount is needed. I wont mention the organisation or school in this post because of the rest of the content of this post. I hope however, you will find out and have the opportunity to see an example of 'help-without-strings.'
Something you will never see from the McCann mafia.