If you are wondering what has happened to my main website, Mike Hitchen Consulting, then so am I!
The hosting was due for renewal so on Oct 1, I made the due payment. Oct 1 was a public holiday in Sydney and although I was taken to the "Payment Approved" page, no money had been transferred from my account until today! To make matters worse, PayPal shows the payment pending with an expected clearance date of Oct 4. For some reason it shows "echeck" something I have not seen before when renewing the hosting! Normally it is activated instantly.
I have been in touch with the host, but trying to get a response is like pulling hen's teeth. Blog readers are only affected because it is the domain that hosts my photograph and many of the smilies in the Shout Box. It also affects the mikehitchen@mhitchenconsult.com email address. Hopefully this problem will be resolved before Oct 4!
I thought I might introduce a little romance into the blog. So tonight, for one night only, is an "Aussie Love Song".
Of course I love ya darling
your a bloody top notch bird
and when I say ur gorgeous
I mean every single word
So ya bum is on the big side
I dont mind a bit of flab
it means that when I'm ready
there's somethin there to grab
So your belly isn't flat no more
I tell ya, I dont care
so long as when I cuddle ya
I can get my arms around there
No sheila who is your age
has nice round perky breasts
they just gave into gravity
but I know ya did ya best
I'm tellin ya the truth now
I never tell ya lies
I think its very sexy
that you've got dimples on ya thighs
I swear on me nannas grave now
the moment that we met
I thought u was as good as I
was ever gonna get
No matter wot u look like
I'll always love ya dear
now shut up while the footys on
and get me another beer!
They just don't write them like that any more do they!
Wherever you may be - be safe