Good Lord, it almost feels as though my blog is back to normal! The way it was before the McCanns became famous for being the chief suspects in the death of their daughter, and the world's richest child neglectors - aided and abetted by a rag-tag army of people with dubious reputations and moral fibre.
The number of "other" posts now outnumber the McCann related posts. It's not that I am as one suggested, "distancing myself" but I have said many times, I will only write when I have something to say - and not because I feel I have to.
I certainly have no intention of dropping the subject, when I start something I finish it. Some may see that as an obsession, but those who think that, are the sort of people who would. The sort who have never fought for anything worthwhile in their lives, so they mock those who do, while they themselves prefer to shuffle around moaning and whining and blaming everyone else for their failures but themselves.
Just like the McCanns.
Odd isn't it - some claim I am obsessed, others claim I am distancing myself. I suppose they subscribe to the theory that when all else fails, use stupidity - failing to realise that while it may work within their own small circle of friends, it's not nearly as effective when used in circles where mediocrity is considered a benchmark of failure, not of excellence.
Back to the blog! I don't think I will ever get back to the old "ten post per day" format that many were used to - and I promise I wont have the little country flags at the start of each post:) I also intend to shortly introduce the "Featured Blogger" segment that I have promised for some time!
Till tomorrow...
Wherever you may be - be safe!