The Madeleine McCann issue has attracted an unprecedented number of responses. Most blogs are lucky to get 20-30 comments at most. We have greatly exceeded such figures!
To make the blog more user-friendly, may I ask you to keep responses relatively short. There have also been occasions where posters have made long posts that while appearing to relate to Madeleine McCann, they are in fact pushing another agenda. I don't have any objection to such posts - but they should be on your own blog and not mine. The "comments" section is designed for "comments".
There have also been instances where the same link or article has been posted several times. In such cases, I do reserve the right to delete all but the original posting.
I am not trying to put anyone off posting, just making it a bit easier to use for us all.
To give you some ideas of the number of comments we are talking about, below are some stats. When you consider that most of these posts were closed to comments after approx 48 hours, it gives you an idea of the blog's popularity.
Let's Rumble - 543
If she is dead, then she is dead - 503
A mum appeals to the UK media - 471
The fall of the house of McCann - 456
What's a matter you...? - 445
I love you, I honestly love you - 437
Brown paper packages tied up with strings attached - 435
A post from May 17 - 417
Hi, hi, hi beautiful Sunday - 401
Who has lost the most? - 391
The fight against spin - 375
One hundred and fifty days - 346
Build it up with silver and gold - 314
Another blast from the past - 303
Incidentally, I don't mind if we go off-topic and a bit of light heartedness is always welcome. Just keep things relatively short!
I have been quiet today because I have been following up several bits of information I have been sent - and then my graphics driver packed up on me for no apparent reason! All fixed now I hope.
The photoblog has been updated, but nothing too interesting - just local signs!
One more thing - someone sent me an email this evening and I have lost it! If you are expecting a reply and haven't received a response, could the gentleman please resend - thanks.
Till tomorrow...
Wherever you may be - be safe