Istanbul - recent tension with the PKK has prompted protests
Midweek debates in Plenary focused on the European Union's relations with its neighbours. A resolution on relations with Turkey was adopted and the upcoming EU-Russia Summit was debated. Serbia's relationship with the Union was also discussed by MEPs. An own initiative report to cap CO2 emissions from cars at 125g CO2/km from 2015 was also adopted. Wednesday also saw the inaugural LUX cinema prize awarded to Turkish-German production "Edge of Heaven".
EU - Turkey relations
MEPs welcomed recent elections in Turkey and the new government's commitment "to enhance the reform process in the coming months and years". They backed the resolution drafted by Dutch MEP Ria Oomen - Ruijten (EPP-ED) ahead of the Commission's November annual progress report on Turkey. The report describes progress on achievements but also areas where more progress is needed.
Among issues of concern are the content of upcoming constitutional reforms and Turkish military actions in Northern Iraq. MEPs strongly condemned the violence perpetrated by the PKK and reiterated the call for the Turkish and Armenian Government to "start a process of reconciliation for the present and the past". On Cyprus the EP notes that "the withdrawal of Turkish forces would facilitate the negotiation on a settlement".
In the debate many MEPs expressed concern about freedom of expression and the reform of Turkey's penal code. However, many groups supported the accession negotiations. Mrs Oomen - Ruijten noted that the Parliament sought to "broaden and deepen" debate with Turkey and noting that the need to safeguard freedom of expression features prominently in the report.
EU - Russia Summit
MEPs debated EU-Russia relations ahead of a Summit between the two due to be held in Portugal on 26 October. It coincides with the tenth anniversary of the signature of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Moscow and Brussels, which expires this year. This is also the last summit for Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. At the last Summit in May, the two sides disagreed over issues such as democratic freedoms in Russia and economic ties. MEPs will vote on a resolution after the Summit.
Several speakers in the debate highlighted that Russia is not only a close neighbour but a strategic partner for the EU. Solidarity, reciprocity and respect for human rights were also mentioned as key principles in bilateral relations EU-Russia.
José Ignacio Salafranca (EPP-ED) said that the strategic relationship with Russia was important but that "the climate at the upcoming meeting in Mafra will depend more on Russian than on the European side".
Dutch Socialist MEP Jan Wiersma expressed concern about the fairness of the upcoming Duma election. He said that "we need to be willing to work with the OSCE on electoral observation. We "need to cast a critical eye when it comes to human rights and democracy but should avoid polarisation".
Graham Watson (ALDE) criticised ignoring Russia's denial of "Europe's sacred values, like freedom, democracy, rule of law, which are conspicuously absent in Russia today." He said that "the Reform Treaty promised the European Parliament a real say on external action, so let's deliver a message at summit that President Mr. Putin cannot ignore."
CO2 emissions
MEPs adopted an own-initiative report which calls for legislation to cap average emissions from all new passenger cars at 125g CO2/km by 2015. MEPs decided to move away from an earlier proposal to introduce a cap of 120g CO2/km as of 1 January 2012. As of 2020 such average emissions should not exceed 95g CO2/km. Long-term targets, urge MEPs, should be determined by no later than 2016: these targets "will possibly require further emissions reductions to 70g CO2/km or less by 2025".
MEPs debated EU-Serbia relations on Wednesday afternoon. Slovene MEP Jelko Kacin (ALDE) who drafted the report on the issue said "the prospect of EU membership is a strong incentive of further democratisation" for Serbia". He added that "the EU will not be complete until Balkan form part of the EU but not at any price and certainly not at the price of undermining international law and ignoring fundamental values". He also stressed that Serbia need to prove itself by cooperation with the International Criminal Court for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). A vote will be held on Thursday.
Other business
A busy day in plenary also saw votes on conventional energy sources and energy technology, stressing the "indispensable" role of nuclear energy in Europe, and a call for smoke-free workplaces across Europe within two years.
In a brief interruption to formal proceedings, the European Parliament's first "LUX" cinema prize was awarded to Fatih Akin for his film "Auf der anderen Seite" (The edge of heaven), - See separate coverage.
Source: European Parliament