The team are taking with them the team mascot, Wally the Wallaby. I realise there are already a couple of right Wallys wearing yellow and gold walking around Portugal, but this one has class.
I must admit, I preferred our unofficial mascot for the 2000 Sydney Olympics - Fatso The Fat-Arsed-Wombat - featured on a highly successful TV show. Within days of his first appearance, Fatso made his way in to the hearts of millions of Australians and became a household name - just like Cuddle Cat but for the right reasons.
Isabel, are you ready for a bunch of Aussies to descend upon you!
What you may ask, has the photo to do with this post? I will tell you. Bugger all - but you try writing a post about a glass of water! Oh yes, the photoblog has been updated with 3 photos that will give you an idea of where I live. I thought I had better make it easy for Team McCann to find me should they ever feel the need to do something else that is not in their best interests.
Wherever you may be - be safe