Friday, August 17, 2007

Advertising: Does pointing the finger work?

No, I am not talking about what has become the main focus of the blog - I am talking about the size of a man's thingy.

In an effort to reduce the death rate among speeding teenage drivers, the Roads and Traffic Authority have released a series of TV commercials in which young women make fun of speeding drivers manhood, by wiggling their little finger.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports, "The Roads and Traffic Authority believes the way to a young man's brain is through his penis. After finally admitting it can't shock teenagers into driving carefully, the RTA is now trying to shame them into slowing down with a provocative advertising campaign which implies that men who speed are less than well-endowed."

But does it work?

I have never driven a car so I am not in a position to comment! However, Richard Blackburn takes an in-depth look and in doing so covers some of the aspects we have been talking about.

"Celia Lashlie, who spent several years interviewing schoolboys as part of a New Zealand high school research program, says testosterone and cars are a dangerous mix....Lashlie says over-protective parents can contribute to risk-taking later in life. 'We have taken a lot of risk out of the lives of little boys. We've become overly concerned with occupational health and safety and they're not allowed to climb trees or play Bullrush [Red Rover] any more. We've sanitised their lives. The first chance they get to take a risk that is not modified by their mothers involves putting their foot on the accelerator...If we let them indulge in risks and get a little bit dirtier when they are young, I don't think you'd have the emphasis on getting in a car and going fast.'"

The full article can be seen HERE
A photo from the ad HERE (it is on the front page so I do not know how long the photo will remain active)

I am posting this as "food for thought" and may or may not represent my own views! So there!

And no - I have no idea what Bullrush or Red Rover is!