Gerry, it seems that you and Kate are planning to learn Portuguese. Personally, I would have thought it would have been better for you and well known Media Whore, Aunty Phil, (That's what the media here call people like Phil) to learn effective English first, but who I am to argue.
Sky news reports, "The couple feel a knowledge of Portuguese would help their dealings with the police team hunting for Madeleine."
It has taken you over sixty God-knows-how-many days to reach that conclusion? In that time dealings with police have been hampered by language barriers - barriers you could have addressed earlier.
Sky News also states it will assist in, "their day-to-day living as they integrate more with the local community."
As opposed to shouting loudly and waving your arms around? Now I know why you haven't gone out searching for Maddy. You didn't know how to say, "Have you seen this girl?" in Portuguese and it would have taken too much time and effort to learn. Wouldn't want you to miss out on the horses-doofers would we now?
It also appears you have no plans to return to your jobs as doctors in the UK until the Madeleine inquiry is resolved.
Do you intend resigning from your position? Wouldn't that be the honourable thing to do in the circumstances? - especially with the NHS stretched to the rafters as it is. Wouldn't a clean break give your employers chance to find an immediate and permanent replacement?
Have you no honour?
Sorry Mr Grub, "No not yet but I'm hoping for one in the New Year's list" is not the right answer.
Do you not feel an obligation to your employer and/or to your patients? Oh please spare me the touchy-feely "family comes first" routine - that's a load of bollocks and every man and his dog knows that. Other parents have suffered the loss of a child and they had no option but to return to their jobs. Either that, or they were ruined financially.
So let me see if I have this straight - and feel free to come on this blog and correct me if I am wrong. As things stand at the time of writing, you intend to take indefinite leave. I would imagine the majority of this would be unpaid leave.
During this time you will continue your new career, which let's make no bones about this, is being instrumental in running the campaign for "Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned"
Do you mind if I remind readers of the "Fund Details" as previously listed on your blog?
"3.1.3 To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family"
In other words, you lose a child through selfish negligence, then decide not to return to well paid jobs in your homeland - and expect John and Jane Doe to bankroll your salary for your new career?
Let's drop all this, "we feel closer to Madeleine" routine because I am tired of this ongoing charade.
The reality is that one of the reasons you can not return to Britain, is because you are unemployable. No one in Britain will employ you because you are a liability and displayed gross lack of judgement. You have lost the trust of potential employers.
However, even that could be overcome if you really wanted to feel near to Madeleine. Madeleine may not be with you in person, but she would be "with you" back in England. Little things she has done; perhaps crayoned pictures and colouring books, marks on the wall perhaps, toys, her bedroom. More importantly - her "presence". Maybe as doctors you may scoff at a concept such as "presence" I know I used to. But when you lose some one - even if it is just a temporary loss - it really does exist.
As for the long term - if you wish to stay and work in Portugal, no doubt you will have to satisfy certain immigration and professional requirements (including language skills). In other words your options for future employment are restricted by personal and professional barriers.
Never mind, there is always good old 3.1.3 to fall back on.
Maybe you should trademark that phrase Gerry - it could become as famous as Catch 22,.
BTW. Now that you have started using less specific terminology when referring to Madeleine's disappearance, will you be altering the wording in the stated aims of the fund?
At the moment it is worded -
3.1.1 To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
3.1.2 To procure that Madeleine’s abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice;
Whoever created the above, shut the doors on all other eventualities.
Something a legal eagle wanting to make a name for themselves might pick up on.