Big boys don't cry and apparently astronauts are not supposed to have feelings either.
"Dark side of the loon" and "Astro-nut" scream the headlines. Apart from Britain's "Sun" I can think of no other instance - at least here - where an alleged criminal who to a layman, gives every indication of having psychological problems, would attract such derogatory, schoolyard insults.
Jay Leno and David Letterman, who no doubt have never had any problems in their lives, have had a field day at the expense of a woman who not so long ago was an "All American Woman" with all the right stuff.
Millions of people basked in the success of the shuttle mission and the courage and drive of the woman they called "Robochick". Now she is a nut who drove 1450 kilometres to confront a rival in a love triangle.
It's not just the American media at fault, even our normally politically correct TV news carried the headline "Astro-nut".
Don't get me wrong, if the allegations are proved true in court and not just in the media or around office photocopiers, then she deserves appropriate justice. But I have a problem with any person who doesn't appear to meet the "sound mind" benchmarks set by those who live in their own glass houses, being the target of insults that belong in a bygone era.
Oh of course - she was an astronaut - and a woman. That makes it all right then doesn't it.
I know - we can have a, "Let's make fun of nutters" week and use her photo as a promotional tool. Gee, isn't it funny how drained and mentally shagged out she looks in those courtroom photos and mug shots. Here kids - come and have a laugh at this.
Just one thing I would like to know. How did she manage to drive that far without stopping for petrol!
Post: 1/10 - with a bit of luck!