Saturday, January 06, 2007

Suffer Little Children: A child's cry to the world - "this is what is happening to me, please help me so it doesn't happen any more"

The Sydney Morning Herald carries an AFP article about, a sexually abused Canadian child being placed under protection after sending an appeal for help over the Internet to an Australian website.

Quote: "The child used the Google search engine to send a message to the website for children, pleading for help, and the e-mail was forwarded to local police, spokeswoman Julie Gagnon of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told AFP."

"The child typed in "kids help", found the Australian site offering online help to children and "sent a message saying 'this is what is happening to me, please help me so it doesn't happen any more'," according to another spokeswoman, Corporal Lana Prosper."

Full article: Australians help rescue Canadian child via web (Sydney Morning Herald - AFP)

Post: 7/10