I like taking sports photographs, though for some reason I never get round to posting them. Maybe it's because I am embarrassed about the technique I use for capturing those "special moments".
My camera, (Canon S31S - great camera, absolute crap technical support) has a "Sports" function that when pressed goes...clickety click...until you stop it. That gives you a fair chance of getting a few good shots out of many. Then there is the excellent movie mode from which I could choose stills - but I ignore both those options.
I aim and hope I see something interesting, then hope I pressed the shutter fast enough!
Heaven knows why I do it that way but many of my actions and decisions are
hard to explain - especially to bank managers.
I have an idea for a new feature - "As others see us" As most of my visitors are from the US, I thought it might be interesting for those readers to see American news that has made the Australian media - and how it is portrayed.
The next issue of the blog will be on Monday (Sydney time) so with a bit of luck it will appear then.
Till next time...
Wherever you may be - be safe!