Have you ever heard the song, "What I Did For Love" from the musical, "Chorus Line"? You have - then you will recall the line, "Kiss the day goodbye, the sweetness and the sorrow..." Well my thoughts are somewhat different.
I would like to take the day by the scruff off the neck, plant my boot firmly up its bum, and kick it out on to the street. Gee, I can be so macho at times!
Take a heavy dose of "Psycho Mum" who wants to give an Easter egg to someone as a belated Christmas present, (yes, she actually did buy one from the supermarket this morning), a neurotic PC that doesn't seem to realise that the measures I am taking are for its own good, a news aggregator that doesn't aggregate, and a back up service that is serving me news from Jan 9, and you have some idea of how things went.
Oh, let's not forget to mention IE7.
Which boofheads worked on that browser for heaven's sake? I am not one of those self-righteous nerds who complain about everything Microsoft does because it is oh so chic to do so, but IE7 is not to put too fine a point on it - a load of crap.
Yes, I know I can uninstall it - but there is a catch.
All the instructions I have seen advise you to open Control Panel, click on "Add or Remove Programs" scroll down to Internet Explorer 7, and uninstall. IE6 will then automatically come back.
Except it is not listed in my list of programs.
On top of that, I haven't been able to connect with Mel, (my American fiancee out west) for most of the week, nor with a very good friend on the right hand side of the country!
There is an advert with the tagline "It's moments like these you need Minties"
No it's not.
It's moments like these you need a bloody good dose of single malt whisky, Janis Joplin, and a few other singers from the age where they could actually sing and not just point fingers at the camera and shout four letter words and use slang I can't understand! Thank heaven's Mel has a teenage daughter that translates for me!
Yes, I know - I need to be updated to Mike 50.1 but look what happened when I updated to IE7!
Wherever you may be - be safe