Monday, September 18, 2006

You have to laugh: Living terracotta warrior fools police

Xinhua news agency reports that a 26 year old German art student fooled police on Saturday by disguising himself as a terracotta warrior and taking up position in the world-famous terracotta army.

Pablo Wendel was seen jumping into the five-meter deep pit on Saturday afternoon to join about 2,000 unearthed warriors and horses housed in the terracotta army museum in X'an, local police said yesterday.

The sudden movement of the shadowy figure startled the six police officers on duty, who rushed over and followed Wendel into the pit.

However, the student had planned ahead and selected a spot that would give him the most cover. He had also designed a gown and hat, identical to those once worn by Emperor Qinshihuang's warriors, in Hangzhou in east China where he currently studies performance art, and even brought a rectangular plinth to stand on.

After leaping into the pit, he quickly donned his costume and waited.

Police said it took them two minutes to find Wendel, clad in military garb and staring straight ahead with unblinking eyes.