Resources are anything that you use for training such as materials, equipment, brochures, competency standards, OH&S requirements etc.
Equipment or training aids are the things that trainers use when conducting their training sessions. These include such things as whiteboard, overhead projector, computers, flip charts, video/DVD players, charts and posters.
When deciding on what training aids to use it is important to check which of these your organisation has and any procedures there may be for borrowing them. You will also need to make sure that you know how to use the equipment!
How you choose the training aids you will need will be based on:
Training objectives - will the training aids help you fulfil your objectives?
Size and shape of the room - this may make it difficult to use some training aids, for example, a column in the middle of the room will obstruct view.
Your preferences - you should use what you are familiar with without relying only on the one source.
Session content - visuals should be used to highlight the main point in your session.Costs - how much will the training aids cost?
Portability - will you need to take training aids with you to various locations? How easy are they to transport?
Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting