Friday, August 12, 2005

Training - Training small groups - Training Outcomes

A training outcome is a very clear description of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that participants should be able to demonstrate as a result of training. It states what the learner is required to achieve in a training program.

The training outcome is instructional, it describes in measurable terms what the candidate is required to know or do in order to achieve workplace competence.

Training outcomes must meet three criteria:

* They must be observable

* They must be measurable

* They must be written using language that is clear and cannot be subject to ambiguity or misinterpretation. A concept that should apply to all business communications.

In competency based training, training outcomes must be clearly specified in terms of:

Performance - what the learner will be able to do as a result of what has been learned.

Standards - the minimal acceptable performance level that participants must demonstrate to be considered competent.

Conditions under which the learning will take place.

To write a clear and concise training outcome ask "What does the learner have to be able to do at the end of the period of training?"

Generally training outcomes begin with the phrase "At the end of the training session, the learner will be able to..."

For example:

At the end of the training session, the learner will be able to make 6 photocopies of a 10 page report without crooked edges within ten minutes.

It specifies what the learner has to do (make 6 photocopies of a 10 page report) under certain conditions (within 10 minutes) and the standard of performance required (without crooked edges).

Tomorrow I will take a look at how training outcomes should be expressed as action verbs, plus a few tips to help you produce well written training outcomes.

Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting