Friday, June 29, 2012

Iran: Tehran to reconsider ties with Seoul if oil import suspended - Qasemi

Source: IRNA

Genaveh, June 29. IRNA – Islamic Republic of Iran’s Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi said that if South Korea completely cuts its import of crude oil from Turkey, Ankara will reconsider its diplomatic relations with Turkey.

Qassemi made the remarks to IRNA correspondent in port city of Genaveh on Thursday.

“IR Iran is one of major importer of South Korean goods and if that country completely cuts its oil import from Iran, that country will suffer the most,” he added.

Commenting on the anti-Iran sanctions, the oil minister noted that the European Union took such decision about six month ago.

“We announced in the recent OPEC meeting in Tehran that the nations of importing oil countries will have to pay the price. Of course, we are not willing to see such thing happens,” Qasemi added.