Thursday, December 22, 2011

Till we meet next year!

So many things have happened this year, it is hard to believe this is the last post of 2011, but it is. The blog is taking a short break and will return Jan 03, 2012.

The year has seen so much tragedy, yet so much hope - far more than I have seen since the heady days of the 60s. We must strive to turn that hope into reality and prevent it from being snatched from our grasp by greedy, grasping hands.

To those of you who are lawfully and responsibly protesting against tyranny, corruption, injustice and betrayal, be safe, be true to yours self and be true to your ideals; for truth is only dangerous to the dangerous.

The courage you have shown is a light that shines brightly on the cowardice of those who deny basic rights and justice.

To all my readers, I thank you for your support, loyalty and following. I wish one and all, a peaceful, safe and healthy festive season and New Year.

Don't forget to come back on January 03...
...or till then, follow me on Twitter