Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Opinion: There should be no place in the EU for a Ukraine under Yanukovych

TymoshenkoEU foreign policy chief Baroness Ashton, has said she was ‘deeply disappointed’ at the sentencing of Ukraine's ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko.

She went on to say that Ukraine’s plans to become part of the Union by signing a free trade deal were now in jeopardy.

Under the leadership of Viktor Yanukovych, a man with a long and checkered history of alleged and proven criminal activity, Ukraine's membership should not "be in jeopardy" they should be non existent.

The verdict has been widely and legitimately condemned as political. In fact, it's as close to political assassination as you can get.

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, is known as "Europe's last dictator".

As this show trial has demonstrated, that is no longer correct. He is joined on the podium of infamy by Viktor Yanukovych.