Probably that is why that until Trafigura came along, I thought "toxic waste" only referred to discarded British newspapers.
Sadly, Australian newspapers and current affairs programs are heading down the same populist, agenda serving track thathas traditionally been the trademark of British media.
Soon, we wont have a government run by elected representatives, we will have a government run by the Kings and Queens of Australian, "send 'em back home, that's wot me dad always said like" talk-back radio.
At least unlike some our shops and service providers, they believe in keeping the customer satisfied - regardless of who is buying and who is paying. The only cost is truth and integrity.
Daily News, daily blues
Pick up a copy any time you choose
Seven little pennies in the newsboy's hand
And you ride right along to never, never land (Tom Paxton)
Wherever you may be - be safe
Copyright Mike Hitchen Online, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia. All rights reserved