The so-called International Criminal Court (ICC) has resurfaced from its rightful place of insignificance to announce charges of genocide against President Omer al-Bashir, adding absurdity to the dubious accusations previously leveled against the president.
Mired in its dazzling hypocrisy and not in the least bit apologetic of this glaring double-standard, the caricature of a court mocks true justice as it has proven to uphold nothing more than a perversion of the universal values it pays lip service to. It wields no credibility, an essential component of any legitimate institution. Its constant cowering from the pursuit and condemnation of those who pose the real threat to justice has gained it nothing but contempt from the world's majority and Africa, which has so far been the exclusive preying ground for the ICC.
Sudan deeply regrets that such a farce has to compound the more important issues the country is dealing with, especially when one considers the fact that we, like many others, aren't signatories to the statute and therefore don't recognize the court.
SOURCE Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan