Organising a press conference in Itahari Wednesday representatives of 15 Maoist ethnic fronts including Limbuwan, Tamang, Newa, Tamu, Dhimal, Sherpa, Kochila, Muslim, Madehi, Magar, and Muslim, among others urged the concerned people to immediately stop the work of preparing DPR for the project.
Expressing dissatisfaction for defying their earlier warning, leaders of the ethnic fronts said, they would retaliate if the the DPR work is not stopped soon.
A team of Maoists including some Constituent Assembly (CA) members had visited the DPR site in Ahale of Dhankuta on Saturday and asked the people there to stop work immediately.
The DPR works had resumed on Sunday with the presence of security forces.
Read more Maoists renew warning against Koshi High-dam