Robyn Astaire, widow of the legendary dancer Fred Astaire, issued the following statement regarding the "Fred and Adele Astaire Awards," which are scheduled to be held in New York tonight.
"The producers of tonight's event are using my husband's name without authorization and their show has neither the endorsement nor the support of the Astaire family. To the contrary, we have asked for a federal court order that bars the producers of this event from ever using the Astaire name without permission in the future.
"Fred Astaire supported artistic achievement and charitable giving—as do I. But he drew the line at the unauthorized use of his name—and so do I. The producers were warned on three separate occasions to stop, but they refused. I honor my husband's memory and wishes too much to ignore this. I have for many years authorized the legitimate Astaire Awards ceremony, and I am hoping to be able to do so again once this matter is resolved."
In accordance with Mr. Astaire's instructions, Mrs. Astaire has had sole ownership and control over all trademark, publicity and show business rights associated with Mr. Astaire's name, likeness and image since her husband's death in 1987.
Source: Robyn Astaire
See also Sydney Irresistible and Mike Hitchen Unleashed
Putting principles before profits
Putting principles before profits