TV Station ABC26 News in New Orleans,Louisiana that covered the St. Bernard Council meeting reported that Councilman Wayne Landry took Robert's electromagnetic information all the way to BP's upper echelon, but the men say BP isn't listening. Wayne stated, "Mr. Hunt's a brilliant guy. He has what seems to be like a legitimate solution to the problem." See the whole story at http://www.abc26.com/news/local/wgno-news-invention-electromagnetic-top-kill,0,2665711.story
Robert D. Hunt who is a former nuclear engineer that designed reactor components for the USS Nimitz and is the Founder of Linear Power, Ltd. that reworks deep oil and gas wells to convert them into long life geothermal power plants maintains that BP is not doing everything that it can do to stop the oil spill. "If at the start of the top kill process had BP listened and employed our magnetic top kill method, there would be no leaking oil today," Hunt declared. "BP isn't really searching in earnest for an outside solution, but I am not going to let it go. I am convinced that my magnetic field method can still greatly reduce or fully stop this devastating oil leak if BP would only use it." Apparently Landry feels the same way as Robert does as he plans to meet with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to discuss Hunt's solution.
The magnetic top kill idea that Hunt and co-worker George Reed came up with uses concrete that is mixed using pieces of magnetic metal instead of rocks. Powerful permanent magnets that are unaffected by depth are placed on the outside the casing of the well at the leaks where they attract the metallic solids in the concrete pumped over the magnets that draw it to where it is needed and where it is held in place by the powerful magnetic field in order to overcome the pressure of the oil. Graphics of the magnetic top kill process may be seen at the Hunt affiliated websites below.
Source: Linear Power, Ltd.