Monday, April 19, 2010

Yemen: Shia Houthis deny killing Yemeni soldier

Ahlulbayt News Agency reports Yemeni Shia Houthis have denied a government claim they killed a Yemeni soldier in their stronghold of Saada, thereby breaching a truce that ended their conflict with President Ali Abdullah Saleh's government.

According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency (, Yemeni security officials claimed late on Friday that Houthis had killed a soldier, Namran Suleiman Jaber Hadshan, who was also a bodyguard to a member of parliament, and dumped his body in a well.

In a statement posted on their website on Saturday, the Houthis said the soldier had fallen down a well "at least 20 days earlier" and died as a result of his injuries.

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