Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Sweden and Turkey today concluded an agreement on cooperation in northern Afghanistan, in the area in which the Swedish-Finnish ISAF Regional Command already operates. The Turkish contribution is to consist of the creation of a civilian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).
"The new Turkish contribution will be a welcome addition to civilian capacity-building in the region. Such operations are absolutely crucial in building up Afghan society and the economy. The Turkish contribution will effectively complement the work already being undertaken on the ground by Sweden, the UN and various NGOs," says Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt.
During the spring, Turkey will establish a civilian PRT in the provinces of Jowzjan and Sar-e-Pul, which are part of the area for which the Swedish-Finnish PRT in Mazar-e-Sharif is responsible. The Turkish presence is intended to include support for economic and social development and capacity-building in the Afghan police. The PRT will be civilian, but will also include Turkish soldiers, to guard and protect staff. Sweden and Finland will continue to be responsible for security in the region.
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