Truth is only dangerous to the dangerous!The award winning, flagship blog of Mike Hitchen Online. Read by government departments, NGOs, and numerous agencies. First published May 2005, the blog has more than 24,000 articles and 500 plus topics including Human Rights, Violence Against Women, Women's Issues,Corruption, Human Trafficking, Child Exploitation,Child Soldiers, Zimbabwe, Iran, Sri Lanka, Middle East, Burma and the tragic ongoing betrayal of Madeleine McCann.
Children At Risk - Human Trafficking is modern day slavery. It is the second largest criminal industry in the world and yields an estimated $9 billion in profit each year. Human Trafficking is a high-profit, low-risk endeavor for traffickers and often carries penalties far less severe than that of drug trafficking. For that reason, there is now an international and domestic market the trade of human beings.
Every year about 18,000 victims are brought to the U.S. for the purposes of labor and sex trafficking. About 80% are woman and children.
Published byMike Hitchen i On Global Trends, world news, analysis, opinion Putting principles before profits
As many articles can be quite lengthy, the blog will display 5 posts per page. To view the rest of the day's articles click on "Older Posts" located below the last article. There will be 10-12 posts each day of publication. All post times are Sydney time.
i On Global Trends, published Tue to Sat inclusive (Sydney time) - although work and social commitments may result in slight variations
News and Opinions
The views expressed by authors or media organisations other than Mike Hitchen, do not necessarily reflect the views of Mike Hitchen Online. This blog aims to present a wide spectrum of opinion and analysis. The source of every article is prominently displayed and should be considered when reading.